Cabinets and Caulk , A Thrifty Date Day & My Dining Chair Dilemma

We are officially on issue number three of the weekly journal! I hope you are still enjoying these posts and that they continue to be an invitation to get inspired, connect with community and then go enjoy your day!

Thrifty Date Day

You know I’m a lover of all things thrifted and on a budget, welllll so is my husband Josh, and this week we brought our thrifty energy into a random Monday afternoon date day.

After doing a little decluttering recently , we discovered a bunch of old unused gift cards for the most random things but the craziest of them all was a 5+ year old movie gift certificate that was printed on a plain piece of paper! Don’t even ask me how or why we still had it but we did lol. But here’s the kicker… it never expired!

So we took our random gift cards and certificates and went and got lunch out and saw Inside Out 2. ( it’s super cute btw, I definitely cried) It was the best random date day and we only spent $11 out of pocket for what would have otherwise been a semi expensive date. So I call that a thrifty win!

Cabinets and Caulk

After what I’ve been referring to as my “tiny projects era” , this week I’ve been working on my first “big” project of the year!

I was going to save it as a surprise for you on Friday but I’ll go ahead and tell you what it is… we are FINALLY doing the dining room makeover!

This project has been a long time coming , just a little over a year ago, this part of our home wasn’t even functional because it was basically an indoor garage an attic combined. Don’t believe me? You can go see exactly how accurate of a description that is by watching the video here.

Last year we finally took it back over and restored it as a functional dining room but we never actually designed it. We just used what we had, an it’s been working for us great for this past year but I am so excited to finally be able to design this space and make it match the rest of our home and feel like us!

Remember the big splurge I made a few weeks ago? IT’S A WALL OF STUNNING CABINETS! Like sooooo pretty.

This is just stage one of this makeover but already, these cabinets and some caulk around the molding have completely transformed this room and I am sooooo stinking excited to show you so make to be on the lookout because I’ll be sharing the first part of this makeover FRIDAY!

My Dining Chair Dilemma

And now that you know we are working on the dining room I actually could use your help.

One of the projects I have planned for the dining room is to fix up a beautiful set of cane back dining chairs that a fellow thrifty friend generously gave me from her storage unit when she saw I was looking for some that were similar. So far, they have been sitting in our dining room for over a year just waiting for me to fix them, but I think I am finally ready. But the issue is that the previous owner ( NOT my friend!) painted the beautiful cane white!!!😥

And since they are already painted.. there isn’t too terribly much I can do to strip the paint off the cane without damaging it, so I will most likely need to paint them.

My idea is to paint the cane a tan to replicate the natural color of the cane, and then paint the frames of the chairs either a dark chocolatey brown or black. And then reupholster the seats with either a leather, a linen, or a moody velvet. But I don’t know!

I would LOVE to hear your suggestions and ideas about which colors or fabrics you would pick if they were your chairs! I’ll probably be starting on this phase of the makeover by next week so please please please drop your suggestions and ideas in the comments :)

Annnndd that’s all I got for this week, I need to get back to working on the dining room! Like always, please take the next 5 minutes to intentionally connect, encourage and inspire and then put your phone down and go have a beautiful rest of your day!

I love you and I’ll talk to you soon! ( Can’t wait to show you the cabinets on FRIDAY!!! EEEEK!)


What are your best “thrifty” date ideas?

What’s your favorite “splurge” you’ve made for your home?

What would YOU do with the painted cane back dining chairs?

Welcome To The Journal!

This is your online weekly coffee date where we come together to chat about our lives, exchange advice, and to encourage each other to design and live as the women we want to be.

Hey! I’m Brooke!

A blogger and YouTuber obsessed with designing not just my home, but also designing my best life.

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Dining Room Updates , Turning 30 & The Kitchen Faucet of My DREAMS


An Underrated Home Design Idea, Cave Days With Friends & Yummy Guilt Free Pasta for Summer.