Thrifting For Home Decor : 101

It's not really a secret I LOVE Thrifting. I mean it’s awesome. Not only can you find AMAZING deals but when I tell you there is SuCh a tHrILLLL that comes with the hunt… it's a real thing.

It’s basically like guilt free retail therapy that gives you additional joy later when you use your finds for creative projects.

I know that not everyone is into thrifting, but it seems like whenever I share my thrifted finds I get a lot of responses like “How did you find that?!” “I never find anything good when I've looked” “I always find junk” “ I would NEVER think to use that in that way!” etc.

So I’m gonna share with you my BEST advice for thrifting so you can find some hidden treasure of your very own!

The Basics

Okay before diving into thrifting, here are some of the basics when it comes to finding the good stuff. Keep these in mind when looking and be patient. I promise the goodies will come in time!

When To Shop

It’s simple probability… The more often you look, the better chances you have to find something. Sometimes you’re gonna strike out and thats okay. Don’t let that keep you from trying again. The hunt is part of the fun.

Along those same lines, try different days and different times. Experiement and see when YOU have the most luck at your local stores.

Where To Shop

Again, same idea, the more stores you look at, the higher your chances of finding something good. Just like Target in different areas will carry different items, the same thrift stores can vary significantly depending on the location so don’t be afraid to adventure out.

Also, there are BIG differences between thrift stores, consignment stores, and an antique stores even though they all tend to get lumped together.

Thrift stores are usually where you find the cheapest prices, but the items are usually a little lower quality and less unique. Definitely more of a needle in the haystack kinda deal.

Consignment stores can have some really unique items for great prices, but they can also have some incredibly overpriced items depending on what the seller thinks those things are worth. Each one varies so make sure to see what your local consignment store is like.

Antique stores are usually the most “curated” and have the most amazing and unique items. And they KNOW IT. So this is where yes, you will find incredible items you won’t find anywhere else, but just know, it might not necessarily be cheap in the least. You actually might wind up paying a pretty penny, but when you do find a deal, you can bet it’s gonna be SO STINKING PRETTY!

Things To Look For

Okay, now that you know the basics, here is an idea list to kick start your first haul!

These are the things I ALWAYS like to look for no matter where I go because they are easy to style, turn into projects, and are typically cheaper than buying new so it’s a great deal.

These are the things that I personally find valuable, but as you go along, you will tweak and make a thrifting go- to list of your own!


You can typically find books at thrift stores for $1- $2 or less. Which means it’s a great opportunity to stock up on some for cheap! What can you do with some old books? Lots of things! Here is what I typically look for when thrifting books;

  • Ones that genuinely interest me like design books or gardening books.

  • Ones that would interest someone I know and make a great lil “thinking of you” gift.

  • Really pretty old hardbacks to use as décor or styling a shelf.

  • Large ones with great photos or illustrations that would make a great coffee table book.

  • Vintage cookbooks to style a kitchen.

Glassware & Ceramics

While I have always looked for cool vases and ceramics to style with, glassware is something I’ll admit I was tottttalllly sleeping on until recently. But if you look you can find amazing and unique ceramics and glassware for incredible prices and use them for so many things like;

  • Adorable mugs to drink your coffee in the morning or gift to friends.

  • Amazing shaped vases and vessles for styling shelves, using as a centerpieces, or painting and upcycling projects!

  • Unique, vintage, glassware sets for styling your dining table and hosting friends.

  • Make one of a kind candles out of them. ( Did you know I create vintage, one of a kind candle collections a couple of times a year?! Sign up here to be the first to know when the next collection is dropping!)

  • Serving bowls for hosting friends or for styling your kitchen.

  • Decorative canisters for styling your kitchen or bathroom.


Ohhhhhhhh how I LOVE a good frame. You can NEVER have too many, at least that’s what I tell myself. I love thrifting frames because you can get large ones for a fraction of what you would spend new, and a LOT of the time, thrifted frames already come with artwork or a canvas or glass. They are so versitile and can really help you grow your art collection on a budget.

BUT, be careful, for whatever reason, I find that frames more than any other single type of object can sometimes be overpriced in thrift stores. So just make sure you are actually finding the good deals. Here’s what I LOVE finding when it comes to frames;

  • Anything vintage or ornate, literally CANNOT get a better deal on a better quality frame anywhere else.

  • Large scale, good quality for cheap ( be careful to make sure that you arn’t buying someone else’s cheap poster frame and plexiglass for a couple dollars less, and are instead getting a great quality frame)

  • Cheap wood ones to easily paint or use for projects.


Okay let’s talk about the BIG boys here. Furniture. When you find a great piece, it can be magic. I’ve found amazing pieces from chairs, to tables, to dressers. And it’s awesome. But I’ll tell you what, for every incredible piece of furniture there is 357,236,676 pieces of garbage that are NOT worth your time. Here is what you have to look for when looking at thrifted furniture, and if it doesn’t pass these tests, leave it right where it is;

  • Is it constructed of solid wood? ( if not, chances are slim that you can actually do ANYTHING with it so leave that flat pack crap there)

  • If it's damaged, is it fixable or beyond repair? ( dinged , scratched and beat up vs. chewed up, rotted or has a gaping hole in it.)

  • Do you actually have the knowledge, ability or tools required to fix this piece and make it useable for you?

Now, IF the furniture you are looking at passes those tests, it’s time to determine if you really wanna go through the trouble to haul it home. Here are some things I personally think about and try to nail down before I ever haul a piece home ;

  • Do I already have a color or stain in mind?

  • Have I seen this shape or a similar shape and feel like I could make a cool dupe version?

  • Do I even need or have a use for a ( dresser, chair, lamp , table etc.)?

Typically if the answer is yes to at least one or two of those, I’ll bring it home.


This is where thrifting is just plain fun! You NEVER know what you’ll find! Keep an open mind and you can find awesome deals on everyday things or fantastic, unique and one of a kind pieces to style in your home. Here are some of my favorite random things I’ve find pretty often to give you an idea;

  • Vintage Candlesticks! ( One of my fav finds. I love the vintage touch they bring to a more modern space and just the warmth of the metal. SO GOOD!)

  • Baskets ( Because you can never have too many, they can be used and styled soooo many different ways! Be careful though, these are one of those items that can sometimes be a little overpriced for the condition they are in.)

  • Old Hardware or Knobs ( I've found a bag of like 20 wooden knobs for 2 dollars an was THRILLLED. Such a great deal and a great material to keep in my project stash.)

  • Useful items that are perfectly good but someone didn't wanna store. Examples;

    • One time I found a box of 12 cream taper candles with only one missing for 2 bucks ( typically are 2 dollars a candle!)

    • A new in package 12' plain Christmas garland for 3 bucks ( someone probably wanted one with lights and didn't realize this one wasn't)

Bonus tip… pay attention to anything that grabs your attention from among the clutter. Chances are if something really grabs your attention among the crazy mess, there is SOMETHING about it you love so pay attention to that!

Questions I Always Ask Myself Before Buying

So, now that you have your cart filled with your first thrift haul (yay!) , maybe you’re feeling uncertain of what you’ve picked up. I ALWAYS double check my haul before checking out and run it against this little test of questions. It helps me make sure that I wind up with the best of the best and items that I’m actually excited about and not just a car full of junk.

  • Do I actually like it or is it just inexpensive?

  • What was this things original purpose? and do I want to use it that way? If not, how would I use it?

  • Do I have an idea for where I will put it?

  • If it's broken, can I realistically fix it?

  • If I don't like the color, can I paint it?

  • If it's dirty or rusted, can I clean it?

  • Am I willing to put in the work this piece needs?

  • Can I either restore this thing, OR use it in a brand new way that is useful to me?

And when in doubt, remember the one golden rule to thrifting… Just because it’s inexpensive doesn’t mean you need it. ( Trust me :) )

How Do I Know If Something Is Valuable?

My BIGGEST advice when thrifting is to figure out what things are worth to YOU.

Don't get caught up in what something might be worth or you will eitttthhherrrrrrrrr…. leave amazing finds on the table because you were looking at them at face value ORRRRR wind up buying a bunch of junk you don't actually love because you think you found some rare valuable thing that you couldn't care less about.

Figure out what YOU want to do with it , decorate with it? Style it? Upcycle it? And then determine if that outcome is worth the price on that sticker.

Thrifting is seriously so much fun, especially if you have someone you can take as a thrifting buddy to bounce around ideas with. I hope this encouraged you to try it out for yourself.

And if you do, I would LOVE if you shared your finds with me.

I can't wait to see what you discover!

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I’m Brooke!

And this blog is about all things home & lifestyle, so if you love that kinda thing… you’re in the right place!

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