Welcome To Living By Design- The Journal!
WELCOME to the new addition to the Living By Design Blog…The Journal!
I’ve had in the back of my mind for a long time, this vision of a more personal, more random, more FUN addition to the blog. And I wasn’t entirely sure how to go about it because I still want the blog to be a place you can find home projects, how to’s and well organized information. And I didn’t just want this to be a weekly update from me just blabbing about my life to you… my life is just not interesting enough for that 🤣 . I want this to be something MORE.
I want this to feel like a weekly coffee date, where we chat about what’s been happening in lives, our newest home project progress, our super cute new outfit from Amazon ( and it was ON SALE! Whaaaaaat?!) , what’s been frustrating us this week and exchange advice and friendship. Maybe even throw in a funny story about our dog! Truly ANYTHING and everything.
And most importantly… I want YOU to join in!!!
I want you to LIGHT 👏🏼UP 👏🏼 the comments.
Share your funny story from the week!
Oh my goodness you found a cute outfit from Amazon too?! Please share the details with us!
What home project are you are planning and starting? Give us the vision!
Did you try a new workout class this week you’re excited about?
Have a hard week? I want you to be able to share and receive support and encouragement from this amazing community. Trust me, I know and have experienced first hand the incredible love and encouragement you all have to give and I want you to share that with each other too.
I want this to be something you look forward to each and every week. I want you to make friends in the comments. I want to get to know each of you more!
The first “official” issue of the journal filled with alllllll the fun for the week will come out tomorrow! But to get this party started, I want to use this little welcome as as chance to get to know each other and kickstart what I just know is going to be such a beautiful and fun place to be.
If you want in on the fun, then in the comments please share;
Your name.
A quick little blurb about you… ( where you are from, kids, pets, hobbies, whatever you want to share about yourself!)
Your FAVORITE part of your home.
A moment from this past week you feel super grateful for.
Something you are excited about this coming week!
I can’t wait to get to know you better, to hear about what’s exciting you and to grow this friendship and community together.
I hope you’re excited too. I love you and I can’t wait to catch up, design and share life with you friend. Talk to you soon!
Welcome To The Journal!
This is your online weekly coffee date where we come together to chat about our lives, exchange advice, and to encourage each other to design and live as the women we want to be.
Hey! I’m Brooke!
A blogger and YouTuber obsessed with designing not just my home, but also designing my best life.
Subscribe To The Journal!
I’ll send the newest issue straight to your inbox each week for you to enjoy…
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